Parishes and Chapels
Parish of St. Gregory 2 Rene Peino str – 117 44 Athens Greece Tel 210 90 14 089 Chappel of st. Therese 32 Bellogianni str, 18542 Nikaia, Piraias Tel. : + 30 210 4906467
Parish of St. Gregory 2 Rene Peino str – 117 44 Athens Greece Tel 210 90 14 089 Chappel of st. Therese 32 Bellogianni str, 18542 Nikaia, Piraias Tel. : + 30 210 4906467
Apostolic Administrator p. Hovsep Joseph Bezazian (Bazouzou), Amministratore Apostolico dell’ Ordinariato per gli Armeni Cattolici Crecia
Ordinariat Offices 2 Rene Peino str – 117 44 Athens Greece Tel. : +30 210 90 14 089 Fax : + 30 210 90 14 089 Email: ordarcat(at)